美國教育基金會    UScampus            [ 2009/05/1 五月份第1期] 看歷史報份 列印 

留學百問 How can I transfer my grades and credits to the U.S. system?
校園巡禮 U.S. Community Colleges
AIEF活動 美國餐旅休閒運動持續招募六個月以上的實習名額,要去要快•留美國際學生醫療保險看過來•2009暑期美國實習需求•2009 AIEF 美國教育春季展完美閉幕•美國賓州大學TESOL證書課程
AIEF講座 五月份留美座談行事曆
焦點新聞 US Colleges Face a Financial-Aid Crunch
留美專題 SEVIS Changes for 2009-10: Advice for Students and Exchange Visitors
好康報報 入會好康三選一

How can I transfer my grades and credits to the U.S. system?

Transferring credits can be a complex and subjective process. Different schools evaluate credits differently, and one school's evaluation should not be used as an indication of how other schools will evaluate that credit. 

U.S. Community Colleges

*  De Anza College

  • 本校為加州三所頂尖社區大學之一。完成副學士學位後,轉學至名校的機率非常之高
  • 許多名校及其他正式大學均承認本校畢業之全部學分,包括加州大學、加州州立大學、史丹佛大學及其他大學
  • 本校經美國教育部、醫學教育註冊部、護士註冊協會、物理治療協會、健康教育鑒定協會、及律師協會認可
  • 學校經物理治療協會驥健康教育鑒定協會認可
  • 本校經"Western Association of Schools and Colleges"認證,學術課程強力而易懂

*  Snow College

  • 學校規模小,師生關系密切
  • 學校小而安全,費用廉宜,廣受學生歡迎
  • 學校設有三個月的夏季和冬季短期課程以及兩個秋季課程供學生就讀
  • 全年申請截止日期是7月25日、9月15日、12月10日、2月10日和5月6日
  • Snow College位於一寧靜小鎮,學生來到這裡以後都有賓至如歸的感覺

*  Glendale Community College(California)

  • 校園所在的Glendale市,被列為加州最安全的社區之一,人口20萬人,到達海灘及好萊塢等觀光景點均非常方便
  • 校方提供ESL相關學分課程,以增進學生文法、寫作、會話及聽力方面的技巧
  • 本校課程全部經過認證,有極成功的轉學率,畢業生很容易即可轉學到四年制美國大學
  • 校內有550位國際學生,來自50個國家,文化多元。學校有全職輔導顧問,提供入學申請、新生訓練、及簽證方面的輔導
  • 學校提供75種學術主修,及寬廣的共同科目轉學學分課程,學生可多加利用

*  Santa Barbara City College

  • 校園位於加州中南海岸,俯瞰太平洋
  • 本校為美國最佳之二年制大學之一,是通過西部學校及學院委員會認証之學院
  • 本校學生在就讀兩年後可轉四年制大學
  • 本校提供120個副學士及証書課程
  • 許多本校的學生選擇與其他學生合租公寓,每人每月的房租大約 $600,費用相當合理且方便
因應全球經濟與科技蓬勃發展,休閒生活及消費型態的改變,由AIEF美國教育基金會主辦美國實習機會,歡迎各學校 推薦或個人的共同參與。由於全球經濟不景氣,到美國實習機會競爭激烈,目前仍有空缺的實習職缺只剩六個月以上的名額錯過這次機會就要再等一年實習營活動詳情
對國際學生而言,學生醫療保險是強制性的,沒有這項保險,不能註冊入學。因為美國的醫療診治費用非常昂貴,個人難以負擔,所以沒有保險也不容易被醫院或診所接受。國內的醫療保險不適用於美國。因為國內的保險單位不會受理美國醫院或診所的理賠請款,而且國內或其他地區購買的醫療保險在美國也無效。因為醫療體系制度的不同,醫院診所無法與承保機構確認所購保險的 適用性及理賠範圍等事項,因此美國無法接受此類保險。活動詳情
•2009 AIEF 美國教育春季展完美閉幕
美國教育展每年春、秋兩次, 於北、中、南盛大展出。 舉辦美國教育展的目的是提供有意赴美深造同學一個最快速的服務平台,方便台灣學生直接申請美國學校。你將可以了解並獲得多樣且完整的留美資訊。 ... more


Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) 證書課程由美國長春藤盟校之一 University of Pennsylvania 賓州大學教育研究所之TESOL專業教授來台指導。相關詳細資訊請洽....活動詳情


【應徵職務】School Service Specialist  

1. Provide day-to-day customer support, such as:
•Taking calls/answering questions
•Ability to interact and manage customer relationships
•Monitoring project and reaching out to customers proactively to assist with completion of tasks
•Willingness to initiate and conduct face-to-face client meetings/consultations
•Administer training to clients on various functions of services.
•Involve in activation activities such as registration, training and service administration.
•Communicates with various departments within schools and sponsors to ensure an integrated approach to a client relationship
•Provide consultative supports to schools and sponsors
•Identified what needs to be done & develops appropriate action plans to accomplish an objective & monitors progress on delivery

【職務聯絡人】 杜先生
【聯絡Email  jdu@aief.org.tw
【電洽】 02-27058840 #20

2. Qualifications/experiences
•Master’s degree from an accredited U.S. university
•Minimum of four years working experiences
•Strong Customer Service Experience and/or Operations Experience
•Strong communication skills a must, and multilingual in the following languages –Mandarin and English
•Detail oriented, a desire to solve problems, analytical ability.
•Ability to multi-task and work in a deadline /time sensitive environment
•Ability to work independently
•Project Management skills
•Must be willing to travel domestically




【應徵職務】義工 【應徵職務】校園義工 大使




【電腦專長】Word,Excel,Powerpoint, Photoshop


【職務聯絡人】 杜先生

【聯絡Email】  jdu@aief.org.tw

【電洽】  02-27058840 #20 



1.  有留美意願

2.  認同美國教育及文化

3.  個性活潑

4.  具服務熱忱

5.  喜歡與人溝通分享

6. 可到辦公室輔助行政事務

【職務聯絡人】 王小姐

  【聯絡Email】  awang@aief.org.tw

  【電洽】  02-27058840 #18 



同學們想到美國留學、遊學、實習卻不知道從何開始嗎? AIEF美國教育基金會隸屬於美國國務院海外留美諮詢中心 EducationUSA。 創會以來,積極促進中美教育學術交流,鼓勵學生留美深造,每年成功服務上萬學子。現今為提供同學更多資訊,基金會將結合美國教育資源提供同學各類講座,讓大家都可以得到最正確的資訊。查詢講座時刻   預約講座

US Colleges Face a Financial-Aid Crunch
(Time March 26, 2009)
Bob Shorb, Skidmore College's fast-talking director of student aid and family finance, did more reading than usual this year. And not just because the 4,000 financial-aid applications that landed on his desk made up a record 62% of the applicant pool. Shorb, who has worked in financial aid for 30 years and is halfway through putting his three daughters through college, had also never seen so many personal appeals folded into the files. Setting aside his computer algorithms and thick-buttoned relic of a calculator, he absorbed every typewritten page. One family expected a 50% income drop; another planned to sell its home to help pay tuition. A note from a family nearly a year behind on its mortgage made Shorb chuckle. "Unfortunately," it read, "we have not been bailed out by the $700 billion government rescue..... More
SEVIS Changes for 2009-10: Advice for Students and Exchange Visitors

( SEVP, ICE – March 2009)
The United States uses a Web-based data base to monitor the entry, presence and exit of international students, exchange visitors and their dependents.  Currently, the school which accepts you will enter the necessary data into SEVIS, the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System, and will issue you a Form I-20 which allows you to apply for student (F-1 or M-1 visa) or exchange visitor (J-1) visa. SEVIS data is used by many government agencies which you will encounter in your journey to the United States:  the US embassy or consulate where you will apply for your visa, the US Customs and Border Protection which will review your documents when you apply to enter the US at a port of entry, and the colleges, universities and programs where you will study."More


為了提供同學們更完整的服務,我們延伸個人化留美申請輔導諮詢服務,今年四至六月間加入基金會會員者皆可免費考一次USAT美語檢定測驗。UScampus English Assessment Test簡稱 USAT,是以溝通式教學法為主軸,所發展出的電腦化美語能力測驗。USAT能確實評估個人英語聽、說、讀、寫的個別以及綜合應用能力,是英語學習與準備電腦化考試者必備工具 。


美國教育基金會  American International Education Foundation

台北市復興南路一段237號5樓-1, Tel:(02)2705-8840 Fax:(02)2705-8225

Email: Service@aief.org.tw   網址:www.aief.org.tw www.uscampus.com.tw 

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