美國教育基金會    UScampus            [ 2009/06/12 六月份第1期] 看歷史報份 列印 

留學百問 What can I do if I don't score high enough on my TOEFL test, GMAT or GRE tests?
校園巡禮 U.S. Art and Design Schools
AIEF活動 留美醫療保險•美國餐旅休實習•美國教育展義工、工讀生招募•出國留學 貸款
AIEF講座 六月份留美座談行事曆
焦點新聞 Mobility International USA Provides Valuable Tips for Disabled Students Taking Part in US Exchange
留美專題 The Ultimate Guide to the SAT: 100 Helpful Sites and Resources

What can I do if I don't score high enough on my TOEFL test, GMAT or GRE tests?

U. S. admission tests are offered several times a year. Almost all institutions will credit your highest score on a particular test. Generally, however, you will not improve your scores unless you continue to study the subject matter thoroughly between each testing attempt. For greatest results, begin well in advance so you are fully prepared to take the standardized tests and perform your best.

U.S. Art and Design Schools

*  Academy of Art University

  • 本校是全國最大的藝術與設計大學,提供14種經認證的學位課程。
  • 同時提供傳統校內以及遠距教學課程。 這些學位皆為主管機關所認可。
  • 聘請藝術設計專業領域中的佼佼者來親自指導學生,以培養明日的專業人士。
  • 本校畢業的學生中80%就業於藝術設計專業領域。 學校就業輔導處與業界領袖互動良好,提供畢業生及校友極佳就業管道。
  • 本校設備先進,包括有攝影棚、鑄造廠、最新軟、硬體設備的電腦室等。

*  New York School of Interior Design

  • 採小班制教學,學生可得更多運用練習機會。
  • 提供有學分的短期學術課程,期長一年。
  • 國際學生於紐約市與校內可發現豐富的文化、教育、及藝術資源,並可吸收各種最新流行資訊。
  • 本校為紐約市唯一私立非營利之學院,著重室內設計課程。
  • 特殊設備包括中央系統電腦中心、實驗室、餐廳、圖書館、書店、藝廊、課室、工作室及新穎特別的燈光設施。

*  The Art Institute of Boston

  • 課程以職業訓練為導向,提供實習機會。
  • 學校所在地波士頓具有小型社區的和諧氣及大城市的豐富文化。
  • 小班制教學,師生比例1:12,給予學生充分個別指導。
  • 為國際學生提供生活諮詢與課業輔導。
  • 學校透過 Lesley University 提供藝術教育和藝術治療雙學位課程。

*  The Art Institute of California - San Diego

  • 本校學生事務辦公室設有國際學生輔導人員,協助學生解決各種問題,如文化適應及移民法規等。
  • 校園鄰近公立交通車站,方便學生到聖地牙哥海邊及其它地方。
  • 學校提供學生培養組織及領導能力的機會。
  • 本校為孕育追求都會風格,享受美好天氣及豐富戶外生活的藝術家之搖籃。
  • 學校教師多具有業界專業經驗及資格, 產業與學術結合,培養學生為就業做準備。
對國際學生而言,學生醫療保險是強制性的,沒有這項保險,不能註冊入學。因為美國的醫療診治費用非常昂貴,個人難以負擔,所以沒有保險也不容易被醫院或診所接受。國內的醫療保險不適用於美國。因為國內的保險單位不會受理美國醫院或診所的理賠請款,而且國內或其他地區購買的醫療保險在美國也無效。因為醫療體系制度的不同,醫院診所無法與承保機構確認所購保險的 適用性及理賠範圍等事項,因此美國無法接受此類保險。活動詳情
因應全球經濟與科技蓬勃發展,休閒生活及消費型態的改變,由AIEF美國教育基金會主辦美國實習機會,歡迎各學校 推薦或個人的共同參與。由於全球經濟不景氣,到美國實習機會競爭激烈,目前仍有空缺的實習職缺只剩六個月以上的名額錯過這次機會就要再等一年實習營活動詳情



2009 秋季美國教育展時間及地點如下 :






臺大醫院國際會議中心 2F



臺大醫院國際會議中心 2F



高雄漢來大飯店  9F



台中長榮桂冠酒店 B2




【應徵職務】School Service Specialist

1. Provide day-to-day customer support, such as:
•Taking calls/answering questions
•Ability to interact and manage customer relationships
•Monitoring project and reaching out to customers proactively to assist with completion of tasks
•Willingness to initiate and conduct face-to-face client meetings/consultations
•Administer training to clients on various functions of services.
•Involve in activities such as registration, training and service administration.
•Communicates with various departments within schools and sponsors to ensure integrated approaches to clients' relationship
•Provide consultative supports to schools and sponsors
•Identify what needs to be done & develop appropriate action plans to accomplish objectives & monitor progress on delivery

【職務聯絡人】 杜先生
【聯絡Email  jdu@aief.org.tw
【電洽】 02-27058840 #20

2. Qualifications/experiences
•Master’s degree from an accredited U.S. university
•Minimum of four years working experiences
•Strong Customer Service Experience and/or Operation Experiences
•Strong communication skills a must, and multilingual in the following languages –Mandarin and English
•Detail oriented, a desire to solve problems, analytical ability.
•Ability to multi-task and work in a deadline /time sensitive environment
•Ability to work independently
•Project Management skills
•Must be willing to travel domestically




【應徵職務】School Service Assistant

1. Provide day-to-day customer support, such as:
•e-DM producing & distribution
test invigilation
Taking calls/answering questions
Monitoring project and reaching out to customers proactively to assist with completion of tasks
Willingness to initiate and conduct face-to-face client meetings/consultations
Involve in activities such as registration, training and service administration.
Provide consultative supports to schools and sponsors
Identify what needs to be done & develop appropriate action plans to accomplish an objective & monitor progress on delivery
be able to conduct public speech , review students’ application & document

【職務聯絡人】 杜先生
【聯絡Email  jdu@aief.org.tw
【電洽】 02-27058840 #20

2. Qualifications/experiences
bachelor degree from an accredited univeristy
Minimum of 2 years working experiences
Strong Customer Service Experience and/or Operation Experiences
Strong communication skills a must, and multilingual in the following languages –Mandarin and English
Detail-oriented, a desire to solve problems, analytical ability.
•Ability to multi-task and work in a deadline /time sensitive environment
•Ability to work independently
•Must be willing to travel domestically




【應徵職務】Campus Affair Specialist 活動專員


【職務聯絡人】 杜先生

【聯絡Email】  jdu@aief.org.tw

【電洽】 02-27058840 #20

•願意接受公司2-3 年的培訓計畫





【應徵職務】工讀生 【應徵職務】校園義工 大使


  美工繪圖、一般電腦故障排除、  文書處理等

【工作時間】星期二~星期四 09:00~16:00

【薪       資】新台幣九十五 / 一小時

【電腦專長】Word,Excel,Powerpoint, Photoshop


【職務聯絡人】 杜先生

【聯絡Email】  jdu@aief.org.tw

【電洽】  02-27058840 #20 



1.  有留美意願

2.  認同美國教育及文化

3.  個性活潑

4.  具服務熱忱

5.  喜歡與人溝通分享

6. 可到辦公室輔助行政事務

【職務聯絡人】 王小姐

  【聯絡Email】  awang@aief.org.tw

  【電洽】  02-27058840 #18 



收到學校的入學許可之後接下來要做什麼呢? 除了簽證、住宿、機票等事項要一一辦理之外,還有什麼重要的事情要注意的呢?? 醫療保險是否一定要買學校提供的? 行李中什麼該帶什麼不該帶?? 到了美國又有哪些生活上應該注意的事?? 出國前,先聽一場赴美行前準備的說明,以便自己盡快融入當地生活。不要忘記考慮基金會提供的國際學生醫療保險,因為根據很多同學的經驗,基金會的學生保險比許多學校提供的保險還要優惠且實用!查詢講座時刻   預約講座

Mobility International USA Provides Valuable Tips for Disabled Students Taking Part in US Exchange

International students with disabilities wishing to study in the US require extra assistance to help plan and prepare for international exchange. Mobility International USA’s (MIUSA) website provides a step-by-step guide for disabled students to participate in an international exchange and spells out the rights of disabled persons studying in the US under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Under the ADA schools must provide students with “reasonable accommodations” to remove the barriers imposed by a disability. This may include providing extra time for exams and having ramps, sign language interpreters, or Braille documents available.......More

The Ultimate Guide to the SAT: 100 Helpful Sites and Resources

The Ultimate Guide to the SAT will be very useful for students who don't have access to an EducationUSA Advising Center but do have access to an online computer.The site doesn't look like much at first glance, but the content is extremely comprehensive. It has everything from vocabulary building to online mock SAT tests. And the best part, it's ALL FREE. Also, there is a 300 page pdf SAT study guide!  Check it out when you can and pass it on.......More


美國教育基金會  American International Education Foundation

台北市復興南路一段237號5樓-1, Tel:(02)2705-8840 Fax:(02)2705-8225

Email: Service@aief.org.tw   網址:www.aief.org.tw www.uscampus.com.tw 

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