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This two-part standardized aptitude test is required by many colleges and universities for applicants to an undergraduate program. The SAT1 consists of objective questions. There is a verbal and a math portion. The SAT2 is a test of English composition and is required by some, but not all, colleges and universities. The SAT is typically an important part of your application package. To practice.


Financial support awarded to students by a school or organization to help pay for their education. Unlike education loans, scholarships do not have to be re-paid.


A student in his or her fourth year of college or university studies.


A student in his or her second year of college or university studies.


A formal meeting during which several speakers deliver talks about a certain subject.



An official copy of a student's educational record.


Test of English as a Foreign LanguageTM.  A standardized test required of university applicants whose native language is not English.  Learn more.


The price or cost of an education at a college or university. Tuition refers only to the cost of academic study. It does not include the cost of housing, food, books, medical insurance, or other costs.



N. 1. An academic program leading to a bachelor's degree at a college or university. 
N. 2. A student participating in an undergraduate program. 


A higher education institution that offers a broad array of liberal arts, sciences, and professional programs. Universities typically differ from colleges in offering doctoral programs. Colleges normally offer only bachelors degrees and some masters degrees. Learn more.


Vocational School

A school that teaches skills needed for various vocations or careers, as distinct from a college or university. Also known as a technical school. For example, a computer training school or a veterinary technology school.

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