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 世界青少年領導研習營 HOBY 園地


My HOBY Family

By Sharon Chia-Lu Yeh
2010 HOBY WLC Student Ambassador
National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu

     經過HOBY WLC一星期的洗禮,我確實改變了!第一天抵達UCLA時就被整個團隊的熱情感動,而之後的每一天也都有新的體悟和經驗,在international presentation時各國代表用多元的表演介紹自己的文化,讓我看到了他們的自信;在不同的panel中,除了從演講者的演說內容獲益良多外,我更敬佩於西方國家有別於大多亞洲文化的積極,他們勇於發問、闡述己見,在意見交流中獲得更多;community service我去建設房子,以前都對義工服務沒什麼興趣,只為自己而活,那一天,我看到其他義工付出的堅持,他們專注的神情在我心中埋下了服務的種子,領導者是為人服務的;而在talent show的那晚,我們台灣團展現了苦練多日的原住民舞蹈,一開始有點僵,但最後我們拉起觀眾一起加入跳舞時,就瘋狂的嗨起來,禮堂充斥著TAIWAN的叫喊,那一刻讓我好感動,一種被認同的感覺,我們讓台灣被看見了!而最後一天的banquet更是永生難忘,大家穿上西裝、小禮服赴宴,並共舞紀念這意義非凡的時刻。

    我從每天滿滿的行程活動深深體驗了美國的文化和HOBY想傳達的核心價值,並從著名領導者的演說中了解到領導者應有的態度和精神,這些都是十分難得的經驗,然而,最讓我感動的還是我和我的組員、工作人員、和其他所有參加HOBY的優秀青年之間那份不可思議的情誼,短短的8天,我卻好像跟他們相處了好久,在每次的Group Time我們盡情的聊天,說著自己的期待,每天的心情也一起分享,事實上頭幾天,我深受文化隔閡和語言障礙的打擊,七、八個美國人聊得很開,我們少數幾個亞洲人都插不進去,讓我非常挫折,在第三天時,我們的facilitator要我們說說這幾天的想法,我才告訴他們我的恐懼、無法與他們暢談的著急以及我掩藏在心中的脆弱,那天我們哭成一團,他們鼓勵著我,用眼神、擁抱和行動支持著我,一種強大的連結讓我覺得被愛、有歸屬。到要離開的那一天,大家一個個離開,我的心則一次次被撕扯,好像自己不再完整,但我又覺得自己更堅強了,因為無論在何處,我知道我有一群HOBY FAMILY,會指引我、跟我一同成長,我們會在不同的地方努力,為這世界做一些改變,到目前為止我們是成功的,我被改變了,而我也改變了他們,我們都將帶著勇氣和那顆心繼續走下去。

2010 HOBY WLC Reflections

By Vivian Wei-En Hsu
2010 HOBY WLC Student Ambassador
National Tainan Girls' Senior High School, Tainan

How close and how tightly bonded can a group of people from all over the world be within a week? 2010 HOBY WLC answers it perfectly. I can't exactly explain to people what we did there, but all I can say is that the 2010 World Leadership Congress has changed my life, and I am grateful to AIEF for introducing me to this opportunity. I am also grateful to AIEF for preparing me for the WLC experience through its excellent one-week training program at Cal Poly - Pomona.

With full excitement and a little doubt inside me, I attended WLC, not knowing that it would be the greatest experience of my life. In 8 days, my group members and I went through all kinds of activities, we went through countless times of "laughing-so-hard-I-can't-get-up," yet we also went through dramatic tears - gallons and gallons of them - when saying goodbye.

Aside from my group members are the HOBY Taiwan family, a group of twenty-five Student Ambassadors linked with friendship as strong as iron. And so here, I'd like to tell my fellow family members how much they mean to me; I'd like to call every single one of them to show exactly how much I miss them now. We spent two whole weeks together, and during this time, there may have been some disagreements and frustration, but the laughter, the warmth, and the love undoubtedly covered it all. The endless hugs and the tears shed at the airport, I'm sure, tells the whole story.

2010 HOBY WLC has showed me how all boundaries can be crossed; it has explained to me how all obstacles can be overcome; it has told me how one does not have to hide anything, how one can always be his/her true self. And most of all, it has made me realize what the word 'friend' exactly means. 2010 HOBY WLC has made such an impact on me; it has been the most amazing experience I had and ever will have; I can already see how big a change my life has gone through and how much better a person I will be in the future.

And to all who have been a part of this week's adventure: You now hold an important place in my heart. Thank you.

HOBY WLC 2010: Spread the love, Change the world

By Benjamin Chang-Wei Huang
2010 HOBY WLC Student Ambassador
Washington high School. Taichung

This is dedicated to the ones who laughed, cried, and loved each other during the two magical weeks. I love ya’ll, Hobys,
     Summer 2010

The passionate sun in LA shone brightly, the cool soft breeze blowing across the lawn. Emotions surged within me, like waves on the sea in a mighty storm, threatening to break out. Gazing upon my leaving friends, I waved my hands as hard as possible, fearing that they may not see someone who loves them so much. Friendships come and go, that’s a rule of nature, because people tend to forget. However, we bent that rule this time, and all of us knew that. These are friendships of eternity, built on solid bonds of love and ambitious dreams. This is HOBY.

Leaving the coziness of our homes in Taiwan, 25 of us embarked on a journey into the unknown. From among around 150 participants in AIEF's HOBY youth leadership camp, we were selected to participate in the World Leadership Congress (WLC) in the USA. For some people, this was their first time to another nation and a great chance to experience something different. For others, this would be their first time to participate in such a grand international event. For me, it was just another trip to the States. Oh, I would meet new friends and try new things, that was for sure, but how was this going to be different from all the other international events I’ve participated in? I was like an ignorant person who thinks that he knows what everything feels like in the world and was impassionate about WLC. Two weeks of vacation, is what I thought at first when flying to LA while my butt hurt from not moving for thirteen hours. I know, I sound like a total asshole, but I admit that's who I was before WLC. I was usually right about certain things, and these kinds of things are usually in my league. For the first few times in my life, I was wrong.

The first week at Cal Poly - Pomona was to prepare us for the WLC in UCLA, thus we had a lot of classes relating to leadership and other things. Organized by AIEF, this training was extremely helpful in getting us ready for the challenges of participating in the WLC. After class, a few of us, suddenly obsessed with soccer, went into the fields and played some matches. For someone like me (and I believe for most of the others), this was like a dream to me. I didn't have to worry about my grades, I didn't have to worry about what’s going to happen tomorrow, all I had to do was to enjoy the moment, and that was perfectly fine with me. I'm an extremely good observer, and there are few things or events that can escape my eyes, but this time I missed something that would take hold of me later, and that is the love between us, slowly growing, inch by inch. It first came as fuzzy feelings when you spend time with the Taiwan HOBYs, then you feel an ache in your heart when you aren't with them in the same room. Honestly, I had no idea what was happening at the time. It came to a point where I thought an overdose of Mountain Dew caused this, and I considered that I should stop drinking it.
I knew we were close, that I had no doubt, but how close, that I didn't realize until we got to UCLA. Of course, we are not the main point of WLC, but because of this, I realized and learned more than I could ever imagine. Mac warned us about the enthusiasm of the staff members, about………well…….everything, and thanks to him, I braced myself when we arrived there. The staff members welcomed us like we were some group of Hollywood stars visiting, and they cheered and screamed upon our arrival. It was like nothing I've ever experienced, and people don’t get to be cheered by strangers often, so you know what I mean.

The staff members' enthusiasm never died down, and now more poured in among us when the ambassadors from all over the world joined our side. We played little games, cheered with each other, and gave each other high fives. The situation went crazy whenever somebody called out "Hey Hobys!!" since anyone within earshot began hollering cheers at the top of their lungs. I loved it, and it appears that everyone loved it too since this went on for eight days straight. At that point, somewhere deep in my heart stirred, my true self, ready to make these eight days spectacular for me and everyone else.

At WLC, one would expect tons of lectures of how to be a leader and talk about how to change the world by being one. To say the truth, that's absolutely NOT what you'll get. In WLC, we get little inspirational speeches and after that, you will demonstrate how to be a leader. Discussions were made, projects were planned, and community services were carried out, and no kidding, they were exhausting. However, as tiring as they were, they were sweet as icing on a cake. For the first time in my life, I was able to express my opinions without any serious consequences (of course, no personal insults). I was in a world where people get to be themselves while everyone simply loved you the way you were. It was intoxicating for people like me who often had a cloak on back in home in order to "fit in" with the others. I felt home, home to where 400 people gathered from all over the world, all trying to make a difference in this world.

Still, besides our noble task of changing the world, we still had our sentiments. During group time, when assigned groups get together and do whatever they want, people from all around the world sit down and simply just talk. Sounds boring, isn't it? That's what I thought the very first time I was in group time. However, as we spent more time with each other, I actually began to enjoy it. It is a time where I could get to know more about my team and they could understand more about themselves. I was shocked, banged in the head, when I heard all those stories told by my friends, because these stories are the ones which reveal their very self, and it is so real that it seems unreal. Why would anyone reveal to someone they didn't know in their entire lives their deepest secrets? That's what we did, and because of that we shared each other's most precious possessions, an indication of where we made each other family.

I will never forget the day of scheduled departure. In HOBY, I felt……home. It was a sensation that was hard to come by. You know a feeling where one feels total satisfied and time doesn't seem to be moving at all? That's how I felt while at WLC. HOBY changed me in a way I did not expected, and I was grateful for that. To see the best out of everyone and to love them for who they are, I understand the vital characteristic of being a leader. Of course, though it may sound ridiculous, from the cheers I've done, I actually learned the importance of enthusiasm and passion. Well, I've got to admit, we screamed the cheers rather than……well……cheer them, but the point is that we never got tired of it and we maintained the same volume till the very last day. One of my friends in my group said, "If you attack everything with the enthusiasm you have now, anything could be solved." The day of departure, I parted with people who I knew deeply I loved and cared, and though my heart aches with sorrow, a new sense of responsibility emerges within me. Spread the love, it said, Change the world.

Here I am boring you guys with a story that you might not even know what I am talking about, but I do know this: after attending the WLC, ya'll fall in love with it and everyone else in it. That's what I did. That's what all 25 of the 2010 Taiwan Hobys did. Bonds are formed, laughter is shared, and tears are shed, but no matter how our stories turn out, mine is changed because of you, for the better.

Find Your Own HOBY Sprit

By Judy Wu, 2006 HOBY WLC
2010 HOBY Taiwan Vice Convener
The Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University

In my freshman year in high school, I met HOBY, and I fell in love with HOBY immediately.

In 2006, a bunch of high school students met in Yang-Ming Shan to attend AIEF's Taiwan HOBY Camp. From then on, I began to realize the definition of confidence and passion. After the Taiwan HOBY Camp, we packed and got ourselves ready to fly to America to represent our country. In Los Angeles, 25 representatives from Taiwan promised to be friends forever and ever. At the World Leadership Congress in Washington, DC, we helped more than 400 representatives worldwide to know and fall in love with Taiwan. We visited all kinds of museums and experienced the history of the White House. We sat in the auditorium and heard speeches from well-known celebrities, and we learned how to present ourselves with confidence. As part of the WLC chorus, we sang along with Mr. Shtick's baton. At the banquet, everyone dressed up to the hilt …although it has been four years, everything is still so clear to me.

The most impressive thing about HOBY is the bonding. In eight days, we became friends. We are Ohana forever. More importantly, all Taiwan HOBYs walked me through high school to college; from a young HOBY to a vice convener. Without them, I do not think I will be here. From 2006 to 2010, I have learned a lot and grown much. Cheers to all HOBYs! Not only have I met lifelong friends, but I've begun to start to see myself again.

Regardless of how powerless we feel, we need to believe in ourselves. Everything has a meaning. And I hope after the 2010 HOBY Taiwan Camp, we are all able to bring our memories, or what we called "beliefs," home.

Truly and deeply, I hope you all can find your own HOBY spirit!

HOBY hugs and all my love!



Walk With Me

By Jeffrey Shi, 2006 HOBY WLC
2010 HOBY Taiwan Convener
National Experiment High School at Hsinchu Science Park

Please walk with me through the summer four years ago. The summer of 2006 is unforgettable. I was a student preparing to take the National University Exam and coming to a camp he couldn't even pronounce the name of, but the camp has changed my life.

I, Jeffrey, began a journey called HOBY.

Four years ago,
In AIEF's Taiwan HOBY Camp, I saw how small I was, but I had gained courage.
In HOBY, I discovered how great the world was, but again I had fallen in love with the beauty of "tiny" Taiwan.
In HOBY, I acquired the passion that nobody knew and HOBY had become my refuge when I met failure.
In HOBY, I realized friendship exists regardless of nation, race, and time.

I hope the 2010 HOBY Taiwan guides and supports you.
I hope 2010 HOBY Taiwan gives you bravery to change and motivates you to become a better person.

Furthermore, I expect while pursuing a better you, please don't forget the original "YOU" who is virtuous and innocent.
Be enthusiastic to feel these two days and leave with warm memories.

Again, I want to thank everyone who is willing to attend this adventure.
Thank you for being a little kinder and for keeping HOBY alive.
And also thank you, Vice Convener, Judy Wu, for the dedication.
Thank you all, 2010 HOBY Taiwan Staff, for prolonging HOBY.
I love you, all!




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